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Coming or Going?

It's that time of the year: STN (Student Television Network) Convention. STN: Southern Exposure takes place in Atlanta, GA this year at the Marriot Marquis hotel. One hears of the fabled STN convention from Mr. Brunt every year with exceptional schools from Hawaii, California, and Florida consistently sweeping each contest. STN is the opportunity to compete at the national level against schools doing the same thing we arrive early at school for and spend an hour doing every day. It is not only the spirit of competition that brings all of these students together, but the love for film and television.

For myself, this is my first and last STN. This is my last chance to compete at the national level doing the thing I have loved since middle school. This is the time to show off what hours of filming, editing, and sometimes failing mean. This leaves the question for each student: Are you coming or going?

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